We asked Stylist Ali from Diva Southcentre, how could we achieve salon styled hair at home? Ali revealed his salon secrets and told us it only takes 3 easy steps to get the best hair in Calgary!

Ready Set Prep. Prepping your hair is the most important of the three steps. Doing this will protect your hair from heat styling, it will also nourish and help your hair with natural healing.

It’s all about the Style. Styling products always hold together your finished look whether it is blown out, flat ironed or curled. Depending on how you decide to style your hair the styling product should be determined by strength. Basically the more unnatural your hair is styled the stronger the styling product should be. For example: Strong hold, medium hold or light hold are generally the types of strengths salons carry.

Finally Finish. Finishing products are initially what makes hair look expensive and lavish. Sure most ladies can curl their own hair, however it will more likely be noticed with that added healthy looking shine.

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Hair by Ali (last photo: Stylist Ali from Diva Southcentre)